Aroma Lamps

Aroma Lamps

Aroma lamps come in various different designs, shapes and sizes, but they all serve the same purpose, which is to gently diffuse the scent of the essential oil without burning it.

As well as being a decorative table lamp that creates a beautiful pattern, they can also provide well known aromatherapy benefits.

An electrical aroma lamp will eliminate airborne bacteria and odours, while your chosen oil fragrance will be gently diffused throughout your home.

Aroma lamps are very practical and easy to use with just a few simple steps:-

1. Place a wax melt or a few drops of essential oil mixed with water in the glass container.

2. Plug in the lamp and in a few minutes the scent will fill the room!

The effects of the smell on the brain are undeniable and widely known and after a busy day at work, heating your favourite NEOM Organics essential oil can be a great way to slow down your senses, relax and prepare yourself for a good night's sleep.

To see our range of Aroma Lamps please click 'Here'

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